Tuesday, June 8, 2010

If I was the teacher I would make the following change(s) to the class…

If I was the teacher I would make the following change(s) to the class. I would let the sub take the class to the computer lab. Book work is boring and not every one want to do it. Also, I would take Audacity off the lesson plans. Audacity takes too much time and is hard to put in the files. Also, Audacity can be a pain it picks up every sound that is made even when you don't want it in the project. I would also give more time with the movie project. I think more people would have gotten done if there where more time to work.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

If I could say anything to future students of this class, I would say…

If I could say anything to future students of this class, I would say do your work. If you do not do your work you would not be able to get your work done on time. Also, you should make sure you don't talk that much. You will fall behind and that's the last thing you want. If you work in groups make sure you are there every day because your group depends on you being there.