Friday, May 28, 2010

I really wish….

I really wish school was over . I wish for that because the last days are boring and there is nothing to learn. Also, the days are really long. After we finish the finals of the class like the HSAs and the CRES the class is over. The last couple days of school are really to say bye to your friends until next year.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What I plan to do this summer is...

What I plan to do this summer is sleep in and hang out at the pool. I can sleep in as long as I want because I am not allowed to be on the swim team this summer. I can not swim this summer because of my feet. All my friends usually hang out at the pool in the summer and stay there all day. Also, I hope to go to my grandparents in Ocean city so I can go to the beach for a week.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The movie that I am most excited to see this summer is.....

The movie that I am most excited to see this summer is Transformers 3. I want to see that movie in the summer because it sounds good. I am upset that Megan Fox is not going to be in it. She was not allowed to be in it because of attitude problems. I want to see how "good" this new actress is.

If I could do anything I want on my birthday, I would like to…

If I could do anything I want on my birthday, I would like to not go to school! All my birthdays are on a school day. It makes my birthday boring. I usually have a test on my birthday or its a Monday. I have only had a couple birthdays without going to school.

Friday, May 14, 2010

If I could create a holiday I would create…

If I could create a holiday I would create Halloween in July. On this day everyone will dress for Halloween if they want to. All the schools will be out and some streets will be closed. They will be closed to cars so everyone can run in the street. There will also be carnivals and it will be free for people with the age of 18 or older.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I feel happiest when…

I feel happiest when I am around family and friends. I'm the happiest at that time because they are very supportive. They always cheer me up. They also make me laugh. I also always know they are always around when I need them.