Friday, April 30, 2010

If I was stranded on a deserted island and could only have 1 thing it would be……

If I was stranded on a deserted island and could only have 1 thing it would be a phone. I would bring a phone because I could call some to pick me up or look for me. I would be better than bring food or any thing else. You can find food on the island like fruit and find shelter there. You would be smart to bring a phone so you can tell people were you are instead of people looking in the wrong places.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

If I could live anywhere in the world I would live_____________ because….

If I could live anywhere in the world I would live in Pennsylvania because it is close to most of my family that I see on vacation and holidays. The family that I see is all on my dad's side if the family. My grandparents live in Ocean City so I go there in the summer when I'm not swimming. In New York some of my lives there so they come to my grandparents house. In Virgina, I have my aunt. uncle and two cousins. Everyone else on my dad's side is around there.

Monday, April 26, 2010

My favorite holiday is__________ because……

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because my grandma makes the best stuffing ever! My family eats like 5 courses for the day, just for dinner. First the appetizers, then soup, then the first part of dinner, then the other part of dinner, then the best part the dessert. Dinner starts at 1 and ends at 7. There is always 30 minutes to an hour between every course.

My favorite cartoon character is__________ because……

My favorite cartoon character is Patrick Star because he is a idiot. I can relate to him because he likes to sleep all day long. Patrick also runs into walls. I love Patrick sense of humor, he probably has a brain the size of an ant.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If I could meet anyone in history I would like to meet because…

If I could meet anyone in history I would like to meet my step granddad because he died when I was young. I really don't have that many real memories of him exept stories! I hear that he would make everyone eat everything on there plate before they could leave the table. Once he made a pie and made my dad eat it with him. My "Papa" spilt the pie in half and made my dad eat the entier half of pie.

Friday, April 16, 2010

My favorite music group/band/act is…

My favorite music group/band/act is Paulie Perrie she is an amazing singer! She sings Fear and other great songs! She is also an actor. Paulie plays as Abby in NCIS. I have no idea what group she is in. Paulie also won a Grammy, but I don't what she got it for.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My favorite animated movie is…

My favorite animated movie is Disney Pixar's Short Clips. I like this animated movie because it has short clips of most Disney Pixar' films in it. It can show a lot of crazy things like Jack Jack's superpowers. The short clips include Monster Inc., The Incredibles, and Toy Story. I think there are more to the series the 2nd one, has newer movies in it.

Monday, April 12, 2010

After school I typically…

After school I typically get off the bus and walk to my house or get an allergy shot. Then, I do my homework after taking my dog outside. Then I eat a snack. After that I watch t.v or walk my dog (if it's nice outside)! I sometimes walk up to my brother's bus stop to pick him up. After that I watch t.v untill my dad gets home.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My favorite sport (or sports team) is…

My favorite sport is swimming! I competitively swim during the summer. My favorite stroke is butterfly. I like this stroke because it's challenging. I hate backstroke. I always run into the wall or rope because one hand is stronnger than the other.

Over break I…

Over break I slep in till 7am. I went over to my friend's, Jessye, house and spent 2 night there. I went over to my aunt's house for Easter and had 2 courses for dinner not including dessert. We usally have 4 courses for any other holiday. I tie died shirts on Monday and became a "Smurf".On Tuesday I had a migrane so I didn't come to school.