Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One thing I would love to do in this class is….

One thing I would love to do in this class is to go on the internet and do nothing! We only get to go on the internet if we do Blogger, Animoto, or GoAnimate. It would be fun if we could do any thing on the computer for the whole class. Or we should do another Animoto because it was the easiest project to do! Even though the computer kept on freezing on us and it took along time to render.

Monday, March 29, 2010

If I could do anything I wanted, I would…..

If I could do anything I wanted, I would go to New York City and go visit my cousin, Christina. Then I would spend the summer with her. After that I would go to Buffalo, New York to visit other cousin that are ages 20 to 40. Then stay there for a while I would probably end up babysitting. Michel and his wife have twins that run around like maniacs. Then, I would hit the beach on Ocean City. To visit my grandparents anf spend time up there. I only get to see them on holidays and birthdays.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The coolest place I have visited is…..

The coolest place I have visited is the Renaissance Festival. At the Ren. Fest you can see a lot of cool things! There is a lot of yummy food like turkey legs. I comes around every fall near October. There is jousting, glass blowing, and a lot of stores. I like all the swords there and the armor. It is so much fun when I can bring friends! Also people dress in crazy costumes.

Friday, March 19, 2010

My favorite thing to do is........

My favorite thing to do is to hang out with friends and swim. I will hang out with friends alot. Sometimes we don't know what to do so we play boring board games or watch movies. My fave stroke for swimming is butterfly. Butterfly can be the hardest stroke at first. After a while it can be very easy when you are swimming a 25. It can be tiring if you swim a 50 or more.

Friday, March 5, 2010

my fave tv show

My fave tv show is NCIS.NCIS stands for Naval Crimnal Investigation Service! The show is about someone getting murdered or suiside (a new person every week). Gibbs, Danozo, MeGee, Ziva, Ducky, and Abby are some of the characters.Gibb is the head of the team then follows Danozo,MeGee,and Ziva. Ducky is the person who dose the autopies. Abby is the pherendic scienctist.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

some thing that no one knows about me...

I have no idea what people dont know about me!!!!! But people probaly dont know that I hate bees!!! Only the ones that make there nest and infest my front yard! My brother, Joseph will freak if he sees anything that looks like a bee or sounds like a bee! But its only a fly. It is funny to see him freak!