Thursday, February 25, 2010

what I want to do

I would like to go parisaling also I would like to do sky diving! They both sound like fun. But I can untill I get my feet fixed! So that will take awile. Just because I need surgery when I stop growing! this sucks that I cant do these things yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

favorite movie

I dont have a fav movie! Because ive seen alot of good movies! but ive seen alot of bad movies. The last movie I saw was The Lighting Theif. It was ok it didnt match the book at all but the names. Cant wait to Iron Man 2. Wish i could choose a movie!

Friday, February 19, 2010

over break

Over break I slept in. And watched movies. went to the movies and saw The Lighting Theif. I was bored to death. It's was 13 days longest time I was ever bored!!!!!!! If there was another day off of school I dont know what I would do!