Tuesday, June 8, 2010

If I was the teacher I would make the following change(s) to the class…

If I was the teacher I would make the following change(s) to the class. I would let the sub take the class to the computer lab. Book work is boring and not every one want to do it. Also, I would take Audacity off the lesson plans. Audacity takes too much time and is hard to put in the files. Also, Audacity can be a pain it picks up every sound that is made even when you don't want it in the project. I would also give more time with the movie project. I think more people would have gotten done if there where more time to work.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

If I could say anything to future students of this class, I would say…

If I could say anything to future students of this class, I would say do your work. If you do not do your work you would not be able to get your work done on time. Also, you should make sure you don't talk that much. You will fall behind and that's the last thing you want. If you work in groups make sure you are there every day because your group depends on you being there.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I really wish….

I really wish school was over . I wish for that because the last days are boring and there is nothing to learn. Also, the days are really long. After we finish the finals of the class like the HSAs and the CRES the class is over. The last couple days of school are really to say bye to your friends until next year.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What I plan to do this summer is...

What I plan to do this summer is sleep in and hang out at the pool. I can sleep in as long as I want because I am not allowed to be on the swim team this summer. I can not swim this summer because of my feet. All my friends usually hang out at the pool in the summer and stay there all day. Also, I hope to go to my grandparents in Ocean city so I can go to the beach for a week.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The movie that I am most excited to see this summer is.....

The movie that I am most excited to see this summer is Transformers 3. I want to see that movie in the summer because it sounds good. I am upset that Megan Fox is not going to be in it. She was not allowed to be in it because of attitude problems. I want to see how "good" this new actress is.

If I could do anything I want on my birthday, I would like to…

If I could do anything I want on my birthday, I would like to not go to school! All my birthdays are on a school day. It makes my birthday boring. I usually have a test on my birthday or its a Monday. I have only had a couple birthdays without going to school.

Friday, May 14, 2010

If I could create a holiday I would create…

If I could create a holiday I would create Halloween in July. On this day everyone will dress for Halloween if they want to. All the schools will be out and some streets will be closed. They will be closed to cars so everyone can run in the street. There will also be carnivals and it will be free for people with the age of 18 or older.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I feel happiest when…

I feel happiest when I am around family and friends. I'm the happiest at that time because they are very supportive. They always cheer me up. They also make me laugh. I also always know they are always around when I need them.

Friday, April 30, 2010

If I was stranded on a deserted island and could only have 1 thing it would be……

If I was stranded on a deserted island and could only have 1 thing it would be a phone. I would bring a phone because I could call some to pick me up or look for me. I would be better than bring food or any thing else. You can find food on the island like fruit and find shelter there. You would be smart to bring a phone so you can tell people were you are instead of people looking in the wrong places.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

If I could live anywhere in the world I would live_____________ because….

If I could live anywhere in the world I would live in Pennsylvania because it is close to most of my family that I see on vacation and holidays. The family that I see is all on my dad's side if the family. My grandparents live in Ocean City so I go there in the summer when I'm not swimming. In New York some of my lives there so they come to my grandparents house. In Virgina, I have my aunt. uncle and two cousins. Everyone else on my dad's side is around there.

Monday, April 26, 2010

My favorite holiday is__________ because……

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because my grandma makes the best stuffing ever! My family eats like 5 courses for the day, just for dinner. First the appetizers, then soup, then the first part of dinner, then the other part of dinner, then the best part the dessert. Dinner starts at 1 and ends at 7. There is always 30 minutes to an hour between every course.

My favorite cartoon character is__________ because……

My favorite cartoon character is Patrick Star because he is a idiot. I can relate to him because he likes to sleep all day long. Patrick also runs into walls. I love Patrick sense of humor, he probably has a brain the size of an ant.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If I could meet anyone in history I would like to meet because…

If I could meet anyone in history I would like to meet my step granddad because he died when I was young. I really don't have that many real memories of him exept stories! I hear that he would make everyone eat everything on there plate before they could leave the table. Once he made a pie and made my dad eat it with him. My "Papa" spilt the pie in half and made my dad eat the entier half of pie.

Friday, April 16, 2010

My favorite music group/band/act is…

My favorite music group/band/act is Paulie Perrie she is an amazing singer! She sings Fear and other great songs! She is also an actor. Paulie plays as Abby in NCIS. I have no idea what group she is in. Paulie also won a Grammy, but I don't what she got it for.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My favorite animated movie is…

My favorite animated movie is Disney Pixar's Short Clips. I like this animated movie because it has short clips of most Disney Pixar' films in it. It can show a lot of crazy things like Jack Jack's superpowers. The short clips include Monster Inc., The Incredibles, and Toy Story. I think there are more to the series the 2nd one, has newer movies in it.

Monday, April 12, 2010

After school I typically…

After school I typically get off the bus and walk to my house or get an allergy shot. Then, I do my homework after taking my dog outside. Then I eat a snack. After that I watch t.v or walk my dog (if it's nice outside)! I sometimes walk up to my brother's bus stop to pick him up. After that I watch t.v untill my dad gets home.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My favorite sport (or sports team) is…

My favorite sport is swimming! I competitively swim during the summer. My favorite stroke is butterfly. I like this stroke because it's challenging. I hate backstroke. I always run into the wall or rope because one hand is stronnger than the other.

Over break I…

Over break I slep in till 7am. I went over to my friend's, Jessye, house and spent 2 night there. I went over to my aunt's house for Easter and had 2 courses for dinner not including dessert. We usally have 4 courses for any other holiday. I tie died shirts on Monday and became a "Smurf".On Tuesday I had a migrane so I didn't come to school.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One thing I would love to do in this class is….

One thing I would love to do in this class is to go on the internet and do nothing! We only get to go on the internet if we do Blogger, Animoto, or GoAnimate. It would be fun if we could do any thing on the computer for the whole class. Or we should do another Animoto because it was the easiest project to do! Even though the computer kept on freezing on us and it took along time to render.

Monday, March 29, 2010

If I could do anything I wanted, I would…..

If I could do anything I wanted, I would go to New York City and go visit my cousin, Christina. Then I would spend the summer with her. After that I would go to Buffalo, New York to visit other cousin that are ages 20 to 40. Then stay there for a while I would probably end up babysitting. Michel and his wife have twins that run around like maniacs. Then, I would hit the beach on Ocean City. To visit my grandparents anf spend time up there. I only get to see them on holidays and birthdays.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The coolest place I have visited is…..

The coolest place I have visited is the Renaissance Festival. At the Ren. Fest you can see a lot of cool things! There is a lot of yummy food like turkey legs. I comes around every fall near October. There is jousting, glass blowing, and a lot of stores. I like all the swords there and the armor. It is so much fun when I can bring friends! Also people dress in crazy costumes.

Friday, March 19, 2010

My favorite thing to do is........

My favorite thing to do is to hang out with friends and swim. I will hang out with friends alot. Sometimes we don't know what to do so we play boring board games or watch movies. My fave stroke for swimming is butterfly. Butterfly can be the hardest stroke at first. After a while it can be very easy when you are swimming a 25. It can be tiring if you swim a 50 or more.

Friday, March 5, 2010

my fave tv show

My fave tv show is NCIS.NCIS stands for Naval Crimnal Investigation Service! The show is about someone getting murdered or suiside (a new person every week). Gibbs, Danozo, MeGee, Ziva, Ducky, and Abby are some of the characters.Gibb is the head of the team then follows Danozo,MeGee,and Ziva. Ducky is the person who dose the autopies. Abby is the pherendic scienctist.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

some thing that no one knows about me...

I have no idea what people dont know about me!!!!! But people probaly dont know that I hate bees!!! Only the ones that make there nest and infest my front yard! My brother, Joseph will freak if he sees anything that looks like a bee or sounds like a bee! But its only a fly. It is funny to see him freak!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

what I want to do

I would like to go parisaling also I would like to do sky diving! They both sound like fun. But I can untill I get my feet fixed! So that will take awile. Just because I need surgery when I stop growing! this sucks that I cant do these things yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

favorite movie

I dont have a fav movie! Because ive seen alot of good movies! but ive seen alot of bad movies. The last movie I saw was The Lighting Theif. It was ok it didnt match the book at all but the names. Cant wait to Iron Man 2. Wish i could choose a movie!

Friday, February 19, 2010

over break

Over break I slept in. And watched movies. went to the movies and saw The Lighting Theif. I was bored to death. It's was 13 days longest time I was ever bored!!!!!!! If there was another day off of school I dont know what I would do!